Combining the datasets

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Display the first few rows of each DataFrame as scrollable tables in Jupyter Notebook
from IPython.display import display
from tabulate import tabulate
import holidays

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score

import warnings

Types of information

Now that we’ve examined both the energy data and the forecasting data, there’s only one thing left to do: combine them. What we aim for is a final dataset that can be integrated into various other datasets with minimal changes. This dataset should contain three types of information (possibly four, but more on that later):

  1. Energy consumption data
  2. Temperature forecasting data
  3. Information about the day and whether it’s a holiday

Furthermore, these data sets need to be synchronized in terms of time. The energy data is collected hourly, while the temperature data is gathered every six hours. Both will be aggregated to daily data, but in different ways. The temperature will be averaged throughout the day—though we might consider using the sum, as this would eliminate negative temperatures, which could be interesting to explore. The energy data will be aggregated by summing the data.

Missing data issue

Then there’s the issue of missing data, which is why we might need a fourth type of information. One approach is to use linear interpolation to fill in the gaps. While this is a reliable method for handling missing data, it does introduce some uncertainty. If there are long periods of missing data, this could significantly affect the variance of the models. Another approach is to use a flagging method, where we add a variable that flags dates with missing information as “1” and days with complete data as “0”. This could be particularly useful for methods with coefficients, like OLS, as well as for methods like Random Forest Regression. In the latter case, the flag would help the model predict a “0” on days where we don’t know the actual consumption, thereby providing success metrics based solely on the model’s ability to predict known data. We will create datasets for both scenarios.

Let’s get started.

Energy data

Loading Energy data

# Load the electricity consumption dataset
consumption_filepath = 'C:/Users/madsh/OneDrive/Dokumenter/kandidat/Fællesmappe/Speciale/Forecasting-energy-consumption-in-Denmark/Data/Energy/Production and Consumption - Settlement.csv'
consumption_df = pd.read_csv(consumption_filepath)

# Display the electricity consumption DataFrame
print("Electricity Consumption Data:")
Electricity Consumption Data:
HourUTC HourDK PriceArea CentralPowerMWh LocalPowerMWh CommercialPowerMWh LocalPowerSelfConMWh OffshoreWindLt100MW_MWh OffshoreWindGe100MW_MWh OnshoreWindLt50kW_MWh ... ExchangeNO_MWh ExchangeSE_MWh ExchangeGE_MWh ExchangeNL_MWh ExchangeGreatBelt_MWh GrossConsumptionMWh GridLossTransmissionMWh GridLossInterconnectorsMWh GridLossDistributionMWh PowerToHeatMWh
0 2005-03-25T22:00:00 2005-03-25T23:00:00 DK1 917.400024 760.206787 NaN 0.0 4.857113 0.000000 0.022235 ... 496.000000 -97.099998 -297.700012 0.0 0.0 1842.515015 0.0 NaN NaN 0.0
1 2005-03-25T22:00:00 2005-03-25T23:00:00 DK2 920.900024 271.390656 NaN 0.0 3.329244 2.978000 0.006352 ... NaN 386.600006 -251.000000 NaN 0.0 1386.037964 0.0 NaN NaN 0.0
2 2005-03-25T21:00:00 2005-03-25T22:00:00 DK1 1079.099976 772.546753 NaN 0.0 4.533219 0.000000 0.015721 ... 808.599976 169.699997 -870.299988 0.0 0.0 2010.311157 0.0 NaN NaN 0.0
3 2005-03-25T21:00:00 2005-03-25T22:00:00 DK2 908.099976 296.979065 NaN 0.0 5.279539 44.057999 0.008078 ... NaN 631.500000 -447.000000 NaN 0.0 1501.229004 0.0 NaN NaN 0.0
4 2005-03-25T20:00:00 2005-03-25T21:00:00 DK1 1125.400024 833.091309 NaN 0.0 3.346528 0.000000 0.012367 ... 991.400024 431.600006 -1245.199951 0.0 0.0 2180.373779 0.0 NaN NaN 0.0

5 rows × 27 columns

Electricity Consumption Data

  • HourUTC and HourDK: Timestamps in UTC and Danish time
  • PriceArea: Price area (either DK1 or DK2)
  • CentralPowerMWh, LocalPowerMWh, etc.: Various measures of electricity consumption and production
  • GrossConsumptionMWh: The measure we are interested in for electricity consumption
# Convert the relevant columns to datetime format
consumption_df['HourDK'] = pd.to_datetime(consumption_df['HourDK'])

# Summing up GrossConsumptionMWh for both DK1 and DK2 for each time slot
consumption_grouped_df = consumption_df.groupby('HourDK')['GrossConsumptionMWh'].sum().reset_index()

# Show the first few rows of the grouped DataFrame
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh
0 2005-01-01 00:00:00 3370.256592
1 2005-01-01 01:00:00 3237.832763
2 2005-01-01 02:00:00 3101.580811
3 2005-01-01 03:00:00 2963.392211
4 2005-01-01 04:00:00 2854.805420

Linear interpolation

# Generate a complete date range
complete_date_range = pd.date_range(start=consumption_grouped_df['HourDK'][0], end=consumption_grouped_df['HourDK'][len(consumption_grouped_df['HourDK'])-1], freq='H')

# Put HourDK as DataFrame index
consumption_grouped_df.set_index('HourDK', inplace=True)

# Reindex the DataFrame to include all dates and set NaN for missing dates
consumption_grouped_df = consumption_grouped_df.reindex(complete_date_range)
# Reset index to make 'HourDK' a column again
line_numbers = consumption_grouped_df.index[consumption_grouped_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'].isna()].tolist()
selected_rows = consumption_grouped_df.loc[line_numbers]
missing_before = consumption_grouped_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'].isna().sum()
print(f"\nNumber of missing values before interpolation: {missing_before}")
2005-03-26 00:00:00                  NaN
2005-03-26 01:00:00                  NaN
2005-03-26 02:00:00                  NaN
2005-03-26 03:00:00                  NaN
2005-03-26 04:00:00                  NaN
...                                  ...
2023-04-09 19:00:00                  NaN
2023-04-09 20:00:00                  NaN
2023-04-09 21:00:00                  NaN
2023-04-09 22:00:00                  NaN
2023-04-09 23:00:00                  NaN

[1531 rows x 1 columns]

Number of missing values before interpolation: 1531
# Perform linear interpolation
combined_daily_interpolation_df = consumption_grouped_df.interpolate(method='linear')

line_numbers = consumption_grouped_df.index[consumption_grouped_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'].isna()].tolist()
selected_rows = combined_daily_interpolation_df.loc[line_numbers]

# Count and print the number of missing values after interpolation
missing_after = combined_daily_interpolation_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'].isna().sum()
print(f"\nNumber of missing values after interpolation: {missing_after}")
2005-03-26 00:00:00          3219.117071
2005-03-26 01:00:00          3209.681163
2005-03-26 02:00:00          3200.245254
2005-03-26 03:00:00          3190.809346
2005-03-26 04:00:00          3181.373438
...                                  ...
2023-04-09 19:00:00          2976.840017
2023-04-09 20:00:00          2974.051890
2023-04-09 21:00:00          2971.263764
2023-04-09 22:00:00          2968.475637
2023-04-09 23:00:00          2965.687510

[1531 rows x 1 columns]

Number of missing values after interpolation: 0
# Reset index to make 'HourDK' a column again
combined_daily_interpolation_df.rename(columns={'index': 'HourDK'}, inplace=True)

# Print the DataFrame to check the results
                    HourDK  GrossConsumptionMWh
0      2005-01-01 00:00:00          3370.256592
1      2005-01-01 01:00:00          3237.832763
2      2005-01-01 02:00:00          3101.580811
3      2005-01-01 03:00:00          2963.392211
4      2005-01-01 04:00:00          2854.805420
...                    ...                  ...
161371 2023-05-30 19:00:00          3935.964505
161372 2023-05-30 20:00:00          3764.163099
161373 2023-05-30 21:00:00          3655.639568
161374 2023-05-30 22:00:00          3663.715933
161375 2023-05-30 23:00:00          3308.564927

[161376 rows x 2 columns]


consumption_df = pd.read_csv(consumption_filepath)

# Convert the relevant columns to datetime format
consumption_df['HourDK'] = pd.to_datetime(consumption_df['HourDK'])

# Summing up GrossConsumptionMWh for both DK1 and DK2 for each time slot
consumption_grouped_df['HourDK'] = pd.to_datetime(consumption_df['HourDK'])
consumption_grouped_flagged_df = consumption_df.groupby('HourDK')['GrossConsumptionMWh'].sum().reset_index()

# Generate a complete date range
complete_date_range = pd.date_range(start=consumption_grouped_flagged_df['HourDK'].min(), end=consumption_grouped_flagged_df['HourDK'].max(), freq='H')

# Put HourDK as DataFrame index
consumption_grouped_flagged_df.set_index('HourDK', inplace=True)

# Reindex the DataFrame to include all dates and set NaN for missing dates
consumption_grouped_flagged_df = consumption_grouped_flagged_df.reindex(complete_date_range)

# Check the number of missing values before flagging
missing_before = consumption_grouped_flagged_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'].isna().sum()
print(f"Number of missing values before flagging: {missing_before}")

# Create the 'flagged' column
consumption_grouped_flagged_df['flagged'] = np.where(
    (consumption_grouped_flagged_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'] < 1) | 

# Reset the index to make HourDK a column again and remove the duplicate index
consumption_grouped_flagged_df.rename(columns={'index': 'HourDK'}, inplace=True)

# Show the resulting DataFrame

# Count and print the number of missing values after flagging
missing_after = consumption_grouped_flagged_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'].isna().sum()
print(f"\nNumber of missing values after Flagging: {missing_after}")
print(f"Number of 'Flagged' observations: {sum(consumption_grouped_flagged_df['flagged'])}")
Number of missing values before flagging: 1531
                    HourDK  GrossConsumptionMWh  flagged
0      2005-01-01 00:00:00          3370.256592        0
1      2005-01-01 01:00:00          3237.832763        0
2      2005-01-01 02:00:00          3101.580811        0
3      2005-01-01 03:00:00          2963.392211        0
4      2005-01-01 04:00:00          2854.805420        0
...                    ...                  ...      ...
161371 2023-05-30 19:00:00          3935.964505        0
161372 2023-05-30 20:00:00          3764.163099        0
161373 2023-05-30 21:00:00          3655.639568        0
161374 2023-05-30 22:00:00          3663.715933        0
161375 2023-05-30 23:00:00          3308.564927        0

[161376 rows x 3 columns]

Number of missing values after Flagging: 1531
Number of 'Flagged' observations: 1531

Aggregating to daily

# Resample the interpolated electricity consumption data to daily level and sum up GrossConsumptionMWh
combined_daily_interpolation_df = combined_daily_interpolation_df.resample('D', on='HourDK').sum().reset_index()

# Show the first few rows of the daily aggregated DataFrame
print("Interpolated energy data:")

# Resample the interpolated electricity consumption data to daily level and sum up GrossConsumptionMWh
consumption_daily_flagged_df = consumption_grouped_flagged_df.resample('D', on='HourDK').agg({'GrossConsumptionMWh': 'sum', 'flagged': 'max'}).reset_index()
consumption_daily_flagged_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'] = np.where(consumption_daily_flagged_df['flagged'] == 1, 0, consumption_daily_flagged_df['GrossConsumptionMWh'])
# Show the first few rows of the daily aggregated DataFrame
print("\nFlagged energy data:")
Interpolated energy data:
         HourDK  GrossConsumptionMWh
0    2005-01-01         84760.194094
1    2005-01-02         91208.524416
2    2005-01-03        112086.718383
3    2005-01-04        114699.218872
4    2005-01-05        113435.680422
...         ...                  ...
6719 2023-05-26         91966.741455
6720 2023-05-27         79738.191501
6721 2023-05-28         80406.440116
6722 2023-05-29         82766.586296
6723 2023-05-30         89449.965396

[6724 rows x 2 columns]

Flagged energy data:
         HourDK  GrossConsumptionMWh  flagged
0    2005-01-01         84760.194094        0
1    2005-01-02         91208.524416        0
2    2005-01-03        112086.718383        0
3    2005-01-04        114699.218872        0
4    2005-01-05        113435.680422        0
...         ...                  ...      ...
6719 2023-05-26         91966.741455        0
6720 2023-05-27         79738.191501        0
6721 2023-05-28         80406.440116        0
6722 2023-05-29         82766.586296        0
6723 2023-05-30         89449.965396        0

[6724 rows x 3 columns]

Now that the energy data has been prepared for integration into a combined dataset, let’s now prepare the weather forecast data.

Weather Forecast Data

Loading Energy data

# Load the weather forecast dataset
weather_filepath = 'C:/Users/madsh/OneDrive/Dokumenter/kandidat/Fællesmappe/Speciale/Forecasting-energy-consumption-in-Denmark/Data/Weather forecasts/combined_forecasts_2005-2023.csv'
weather_df = pd.read_csv(weather_filepath)

# Display the weather forecast DataFrame
print("Weather Forecast Data:")
Weather Forecast Data:
valid_time time step t2m
0 2005-01-01 06:00:00 2005-01-01 0 days 06:00:00 3.090616
1 2005-01-01 12:00:00 2005-01-01 0 days 12:00:00 4.884995
2 2005-01-01 18:00:00 2005-01-01 0 days 18:00:00 5.163322
3 2005-01-02 00:00:00 2005-01-01 1 days 00:00:00 5.461974
4 2005-01-02 06:00:00 2005-01-01 1 days 06:00:00 3.571397

Weather Data

  • valid_time: The valid time for the weather forecast
  • time: The date of the forecast
  • step: The step length for the forecast (e.g., “0 days 06:00:00” means 6 hours ahead)
  • t2m: Temperature in degrees Celsius

Aggregating to Daily

weather_df['valid_time'] = pd.to_datetime(weather_df['valid_time'])

# Resample the weather data to daily level and average the temperature (t2m)
weather_daily_df = weather_df.resample('D', on='valid_time').mean().reset_index()

# Show the first few rows of the daily aggregated DataFrame

# Filter out the 00:00 observations for each day to keep the 'step' information
weather_step_df = weather_df[weather_df['valid_time'].dt.hour == 0]

# Merge the filtered 'step' DataFrame with the daily averaged temperature DataFrame on 'valid_time'
weather_daily_with_step_df = pd.merge(weather_daily_df, weather_step_df[['valid_time', 'step']], on='valid_time', how='left')

# Set the 'step' for the first day of the year to be "0 days"
weather_daily_with_step_df.loc[0, 'step'] = pd.Timedelta(days=0)
weather_daily_with_step_df['step'].fillna(pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'), inplace=True)

# Show the first few rows of the daily aggregated DataFrame with 'step'
valid_time t2m step
0 2005-01-01 4.379644 0 days 00:00:00
1 2005-01-02 3.912904 1 days 00:00:00
2 2005-01-03 4.320021 2 days 00:00:00
3 2005-01-04 6.146450 3 days 00:00:00
4 2005-01-05 5.212295 4 days 00:00:00

Convert step to numerical:

# First, convert 'step' to string
weather_daily_with_step_df['step'] = weather_daily_with_step_df['step'].astype(str)

# Extract the number of days and convert to float first (this will convert 'nan' to NaN)
weather_daily_with_step_df['step_days'] = weather_daily_with_step_df['step'].str.split(' ').str[0].astype(float)

# Now filter out the rows where 'step_days' is NaN if you want
weather_daily_with_step_df = weather_daily_with_step_df[weather_daily_with_step_df['step_days'].notna()]

# Finally, convert to integer
weather_daily_with_step_df['step_days'] = weather_daily_with_step_df['step_days'].astype(int)

# Drop the original 'step' column
weather_daily_with_step_df.drop('step', axis=1, inplace=True)

valid_time t2m step_days
0 2005-01-01 4.379644 0
1 2005-01-02 3.912904 1
2 2005-01-03 4.320021 2
3 2005-01-04 6.146450 3
4 2005-01-05 5.212295 4

Now that we have prepared the weather forecasting data, we can combine the two datasets. Again, we will create two datasets: one for interpolation and one for flagging.


# Merge the daily aggregated electricity consumption data with the daily aggregated weather data
combined_daily_interpolation_df = pd.merge(combined_daily_interpolation_df, weather_daily_with_step_df, 
                             left_on='HourDK', right_on='valid_time', how='inner')

# Drop the redundant 'valid_time' column
combined_daily_interpolation_df.drop('valid_time', axis=1, inplace=True)

# Show the first few rows of the combined DataFrame
print("Interpolated combined data:")

# Merge the daily aggregated electricity consumption data with the daily aggregated weather data
combined_daily_flagged_df = pd.merge(consumption_daily_flagged_df, weather_daily_with_step_df, 
                             left_on='HourDK', right_on='valid_time', how='inner')

# Drop the redundant 'valid_time' column
combined_daily_flagged_df.drop('valid_time', axis=1, inplace=True)

# Show the first few rows of the combined DataFrame
print("\nFlagged combined data:")
Interpolated combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh t2m step_days
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 4.379644 0
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 3.912904 1
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 4.320021 2
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 6.146450 3
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 5.212295 4
Flagged combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh flagged t2m step_days
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 0 4.379644 0
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 0 3.912904 1
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 0 4.320021 2
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 0 6.146450 3
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 0 5.212295 4

Now that we have combined the datasets, it is time to add the information about what day it is.

Adding additional variable for charateristics for the days and holidays

To enrich the dataset, we’ll add the following features:

  1. Day of the Week: A categorical variable representing which day of the week a given date falls on.
  2. Month of the Year: A categorical variable representing the month in which a given date falls.
  3. Holiday Status: A binary variable indicating whether a given date is a public holiday in Denmark or not.
# Add 'Day_of_Week' and 'Month_of_Year' columns
combined_daily_interpolation_df['Day_of_Week'] = combined_daily_interpolation_df['HourDK'].dt.day_name()
combined_daily_interpolation_df['Month_of_Year'] = combined_daily_interpolation_df['HourDK'].dt.month_name()

# Show the first few rows of the combined DataFrame
print("Interpolated combined data:")

# Add 'Day_of_Week' and 'Month_of_Year' columns
combined_daily_flagged_df['Day_of_Week'] = combined_daily_flagged_df['HourDK'].dt.day_name()
combined_daily_flagged_df['Month_of_Year'] = combined_daily_flagged_df['HourDK'].dt.month_name()

# Show the first few rows to confirm the added columns
print("\nFlagged combined data:")
Interpolated combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh t2m step_days Day_of_Week Month_of_Year
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 4.379644 0 Saturday January
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 3.912904 1 Sunday January
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 4.320021 2 Monday January
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 6.146450 3 Tuesday January
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 5.212295 4 Wednesday January
Flagged combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh flagged t2m step_days Day_of_Week Month_of_Year
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 0 4.379644 0 Saturday January
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 0 3.912904 1 Sunday January
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 0 4.320021 2 Monday January
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 0 6.146450 3 Tuesday January
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 0 5.212295 4 Wednesday January


# Generate the list of holidays for Denmark for the years 2005-2023
danish_holidays = [date for year in range(2005, 2024) for date, _ in holidays.Denmark(years=year).items()]
# Convert the list to a pandas Series and make sure it's in datetime format
danish_holidays = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(danish_holidays))
# Convert the holiday dates to datetime format
danish_holidays = pd.to_datetime(danish_holidays)

# Create a new column 'Is_Holiday' and set it to 1 if the date is a holiday, 0 otherwise
combined_daily_interpolation_df['Is_Holiday'] = combined_daily_interpolation_df['HourDK'].isin(danish_holidays).astype(int)
combined_daily_flagged_df['Is_Holiday'] = combined_daily_flagged_df['HourDK'].isin(danish_holidays).astype(int)

# Show the first few rows of the combined DataFrame
print("Interpolated combined data:")

# Show the first few rows to confirm the added columns
print("\nFlagged combined data:")
Interpolated combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh t2m step_days Day_of_Week Month_of_Year Is_Holiday
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 4.379644 0 Saturday January 1
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 3.912904 1 Sunday January 0
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 4.320021 2 Monday January 0
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 6.146450 3 Tuesday January 0
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 5.212295 4 Wednesday January 0
Flagged combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh flagged t2m step_days Day_of_Week Month_of_Year Is_Holiday
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 0 4.379644 0 Saturday January 1
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 0 3.912904 1 Sunday January 0
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 0 4.320021 2 Monday January 0
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 0 6.146450 3 Tuesday January 0
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 0 5.212295 4 Wednesday January 0

Now we are extremely close to have a final dataset. but there are a couple of steps left before we can save these dataframes as csv files and go nuts with putting the data into machine learning models.

First When working with machine learning models for forecasting, using dummy variables instead of categorical variables can offer several advantages. Here’s why:

Interpretability and Consistency Across Models:

Different machine learning algorithms handle categorical variables in different ways. Some might not even accept categorical variables as input, requiring pre-processing. Transforming categorical variables into a series of dummy variables (often called “one-hot encoding”) can make it easier to compare and interpret results across different models.

Non-linear Relationships:

Using dummy variables allows the model to understand non-linear relationships between the categories and the dependent variable, which might not be easily captured if the categorical variables are left as-is or labeled in a numerical but ordinal way.

Interaction Effects:

Dummy variables make it easier to include interaction terms in your model. If you believe that the effect of one variable depends on the level of another variable, dummy variables make it straightforward to model these interactions.

Model Performance:

Last but not least, using dummy variables can actually improve model performance. When a categorical variable is converted to dummy variables, the model has more specific variables to “play” with, often resulting in a more accurate and robust model.

However, it’s worth mentioning that introducing many dummy variables can also lead to the “curse of dimensionality,” where the feature space becomes too large, thereby requiring more data for the model to generalize well. But this is often a manageable challenge, and techniques like dimensionality reduction can help if it becomes a problem.

So for these reasons, using dummy variables is often preferable to using categorical variables when forecasting with machine learning models. so lets convert the varibels:

# Generate dummy variables for 'Day_of_Week' and 'Month_of_Year'
day_of_week_dummies = pd.get_dummies(combined_daily_interpolation_df['Day_of_Week'], prefix='Day')
month_of_year_dummies = pd.get_dummies(combined_daily_interpolation_df['Month_of_Year'], prefix='Month')

# Concatenate the original DataFrame with the dummy variables
combined_daily_interpolation_df = pd.concat([combined_daily_interpolation_df, day_of_week_dummies, month_of_year_dummies], axis=1)
combined_daily_flagged_df       = pd.concat([combined_daily_flagged_df,       day_of_week_dummies, month_of_year_dummies], axis=1)

# Drop the original 'Day_of_Week' and 'Month_of_Year' columns
combined_daily_interpolation_df.drop(['Day_of_Week', 'Month_of_Year'], axis=1, inplace=True)
combined_daily_flagged_df.drop(['Day_of_Week', 'Month_of_Year']     , axis=1, inplace=True)

# Define the desired column order
day_columns = ['Day_Monday', 'Day_Tuesday', 'Day_Wednesday', 'Day_Thursday', 'Day_Friday', 'Day_Saturday', 'Day_Sunday']
month_columns = ['Month_January', 'Month_February', 'Month_March', 'Month_April', 'Month_May', 'Month_June', 'Month_July', 'Month_August', 'Month_September', 'Month_October', 'Month_November', 'Month_December']
other_columns_inter = ['HourDK', 'GrossConsumptionMWh', 't2m', 'step_days','Is_Holiday']
other_columns_flag  = ['HourDK', 'GrossConsumptionMWh','flagged', 't2m', 'step_days','Is_Holiday']

# Combine all columns in the desired order
ordered_columns_inter = other_columns_inter + day_columns + month_columns
ordered_columns_flag = other_columns_flag + day_columns + month_columns

# Reorder the columns in the DataFrame
combined_daily_interpolation_df = combined_daily_interpolation_df[ordered_columns_inter]
combined_daily_flagged_df       = combined_daily_flagged_df[ordered_columns_flag]

# Show the first few rows to confirm the new column order
print("Interpolated combined data:")

# Show the first few rows to confirm the added columns
print("\nFlagged combined data:")
Interpolated combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh t2m step_days Is_Holiday Day_Monday Day_Tuesday Day_Wednesday Day_Thursday Day_Friday ... Month_March Month_April Month_May Month_June Month_July Month_August Month_September Month_October Month_November Month_December
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 4.379644 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 3.912904 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 4.320021 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 6.146450 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 5.212295 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 24 columns

Flagged combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh flagged t2m step_days Is_Holiday Day_Monday Day_Tuesday Day_Wednesday Day_Thursday ... Month_March Month_April Month_May Month_June Month_July Month_August Month_September Month_October Month_November Month_December
0 2005-01-01 84760.194094 0 4.379644 0 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2005-01-02 91208.524416 0 3.912904 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2005-01-03 112086.718383 0 4.320021 2 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2005-01-04 114699.218872 0 6.146450 3 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2005-01-05 113435.680422 0 5.212295 4 0 0 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 25 columns

Now there is only one thing left to do: we need to remove all observations from 2023. This is because we are forecasting six months ahead, and the specific day from which we forecast is important. In that spirit, we need the last six months of the dataset to serve as our test set, which means it should end on December 31, 2022.

combined_daily_interpolation_df = combined_daily_interpolation_df[combined_daily_interpolation_df['HourDK'] <= '2022-12-31']
combined_daily_flagged_df = combined_daily_flagged_df[combined_daily_flagged_df['HourDK'] <= '2022-12-31']

# Show the first few rows to confirm the new column order
print("Interpolated combined data:")

# Show the first few rows to confirm the added columns
print("\nFlagged combined data:")
Interpolated combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh t2m step_days Is_Holiday Day_Monday Day_Tuesday Day_Wednesday Day_Thursday Day_Friday ... Month_March Month_April Month_May Month_June Month_July Month_August Month_September Month_October Month_November Month_December
6569 2022-12-27 100264.310792 2.246549 179 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6570 2022-12-28 106942.629760 2.202570 180 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6571 2022-12-29 108750.475221 2.503690 181 0 0 0 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6572 2022-12-30 108998.128298 2.414602 182 0 0 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6573 2022-12-31 100746.457400 2.286391 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

5 rows × 24 columns

Flagged combined data:
HourDK GrossConsumptionMWh flagged t2m step_days Is_Holiday Day_Monday Day_Tuesday Day_Wednesday Day_Thursday ... Month_March Month_April Month_May Month_June Month_July Month_August Month_September Month_October Month_November Month_December
6569 2022-12-27 100264.310792 0 2.246549 179 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6570 2022-12-28 106942.629760 0 2.202570 180 0 0 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6571 2022-12-29 108750.475221 0 2.503690 181 0 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6572 2022-12-30 108998.128298 0 2.414602 182 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6573 2022-12-31 100746.457400 0 2.286391 183 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

5 rows × 25 columns

Finally we can export these dataframes as csv files, which can be found on the github!

# Export combined_daily_interpolation_df to a CSV file
combined_daily_interpolation_df.to_csv('combined_daily_interpolation.csv', index=False)

# Export combined_daily_flagged_df to a CSV file
combined_daily_flagged_df.to_csv('combined_daily_flagged.csv', index=False)